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Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Haemoglobin-tastic! Cycling like the 'old days' again!

"noun Biochemistry .
the oxygen-carrying pigment of red blood cells that gives them their red color and serves to
convey oxygen to the tissues: occurs in reduced form (deoxyhemoglobin)  in venous blood and in combination with oxygen (oxyhemoglobin)  in arterial blood. Symbol:  Hb"
 I've been so fed up with my absolutely dreadful cycle racing performances since my 'comeback' in 2009.  Found out in the autumn that I've got deformed red blood cells - megaloblastic anaemia.  The treatment consists of mega doses of certain B vitamins (9 &12), the lack of which causes the red blood cells to form incorrectly.  Since having the full compliment of correct sized / shaped RBC's, I've been able to train and ride like a maniac!  It's great - it's what the pro's must feel like when they take EPO for the first time.  Spend most of my time churning a 46 x 14 on my MTB - I wouldn't have been physically strong enough to do that 6 months ago.  Here's hoping for a slightly more successful season in 2012.

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