What can I say? This is probably the closest....
...I've ever got to a spiritual experience.
After months of months of faffing about and filling forms in, I finally got hold of a whole CDROM's worth of images and movies taken during my brain MRI. Truly remarkable. Absolutely amazing.
It isn't that straightforward to publish the whole lot though as there's some serious encryption on the disk which, I suppose, is for my own benefit if ever it fell into the wrong hands. However, I've worked out a way of exporting the pics frame by frame. My faves are reproduced below:
This is a slice from the side taken almost exactly down the middle of my head. Just look at the detail!!! The bit I was immediately drawn to was the spikey, walnuty looking bit towards the back. That's my cerebellum - that's the bit that tunes 'fine motor skills' where things I've learnt like cycling, flying, snowboarding, even walking and dancing etc originate from. It's quite a primitive part of the brain - bits in the middle are the basic control units that we share with other vertebrates like fish and reptiles, while intelligence, thinking etc are found in the outer bits. I'm still researching to find out what all the other bits do exactly!
My second favourite is a front to back 'fly through' in 2 mm slices. I'm struck by how asymmetrical the layout of my brain is - hope that's normal!!
Again, an absolutely amazing thing to see. Best part of all was that, apart from a missing / damaged bit 'the size of a cherry tomato' in one of my frontal lobes, everything looked okay. The missing bit may have come about by a huge bang on the head during a motorbike accident about 20 years ago. Whatever, it doesn't seem to have affected me at all... Nnnnnnmm... etc....
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